Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Pafseovers type ofChrill. ..22,9 wounds in their confciences, and powre ont the life blood oftheir foules. See. 1Y I V. In eating théPafchall Lambe,jefus Chrift was typified. To this eating many conditions are required, 1l concerning i time, z. place. 3. perlons. 4. manner. S. meafure. The time. it mint be eaten at the fame time ; and in oneevening mull all I fraell eat the Paffeover. i . In the evening to lignifie our elateofdarkeneffe andmiferyby finneand death, till Chrift came, and when Chrift came tobe our ranfome. 2. In one and the fame evening, to note the holy agreement and content of the whole Church in the faith of Chrif}s death and paillon ; to whichwell agrees the conflitutionofour Church, ordai- ning the fupper fucceeding it in the fame time, fo all fu. perftitionand formality be avoided. The place. 1. Everyparticular Lambe muffbeea- ten in one houfe : to lignifie the unityoftheChurch of God,thehoufe of the living God,and the fpirituall con- iancion andagreement of all the faithfull in one brèad and one body, t Cor. 10. 1 7. 2. Ifone houle fufficed not toBate up one Lambe, theymight call in their neigh- bours toa competent number ; which might bee about a dozen,as inour saviours family : to lignifie t. that the Gentiles in time, by the voice oftheGofpell, fhouldbe called in,to theparticipationofChrift the lambe ofGod, and to the fruitionand feeding ofthe fame Iambe with theIfraelites. 2. no number is alligned , becaufe the Lord onely knowes who are his. 3. becaufe there weremany Iambes to beeHaine, they mufle be eaten in many houles; fo as nomanmutt abfkainefrom thePaffe- over in paine ofdeath:fignifying the fpeciall application of the fame Chrift to feverall perfons, families, and r 3 houfts, Pafchal Lamb, a type in the eating. i. Conditions, 1. Time 2. Place.