Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Pafseover, a type ofthrift. zit See wee bee in a readineffe to receiveour full deliveries from the ffrvitudeoffinne, Satan, and all their prefeiat opprealons, ofwhich theirs was but a type. 2. They mutt Bate it in hate To admonifh themnot to flayor dwell any longer in that iEgypt : And to teach us, I. to haften out ofour fpirituall A gypt quickly, leaft weepar- take ofherplagues ; and z. to haften to our Canaan and countrey z even that heavenly country, as theymutt to their earthly. 3. They mwft eate it likePilgrims, with their Ioynes girt,fi'aves in their hands and Aoocs on their feet, ver. r i. fignifyinghow wee muff Bate and enjoy Chrift our Pafchall I_ambe;efteeming our felves (}rangers and pilgrims here in the "Egypt of the world, to Rand withour loynes girt with verity and truth, Eph.6.14: alluding to this very occafion, with the fhooes of the preparation of the Gofpell on our feet, and with the ftafl:e of Gods heavenly Word in our hands, both to ftrengthen us in our way , todefend our felves in our right, and propulfe whatfoever is indoarine or manners contrary to heavenly doJrine. Thus mutt Chriftians acknowledge their conditiononearth, and frame them- felves to it,as the Rechabites, Ier. 35. 7. not forgetting the commandement of our Father. This was the third condition proper to the firft Paffeover, of which wee read nothing inChrilt and his Apoftles. 4. They muff not goe forthof the houle all night till the morning, nor ever mingle the cnfelves againe with the "Egyptians, ver. 22,23 : This was alto proper to that Paffeover, for our Saviour Chrift after the Paffeoverwent out into the gar- den. This fignified, i. Our perfeverance and continu- ance inathe family ofChrift the ChurchofGod, not go- ing out any more in action or affefïion to the /Egypt of this world. 2. That wee can lie hid and fate onely under the blood ofChrift and in the houleofChrift the Church of God, whereon and wherein that blood is fprinkled, the revenging Angell is abroad, andout of I Q,o4 the