Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

232 Mariner comp mon to all Paffeovers, The Pafeover,a typeáfChríf . the Church is no falvation. 3. In the night of' errors; herefies,affliéions,and perfecutions forthe truth (when God revengeth the worlds contempt ofhis grace) if we would bee fafe wee muff keepe our(elves within the Church , not departing from the particular houle or Church inwhich we are, to joyne to Idolatry or errors, leafs Gods revenge overtake us, as the waters over- whelmedall that were without the Arke. I I. The manner prefcribed to all Paffeovers en- firing mood in three obfervations. z, They mull eate it with unleavenedbread : fìg- nifying, that if we would feed onChriíi our Paffeover, wee mull purge out all old leaven and become a new lumpe, r C:or. 5.7. This old leaven is the fully, fweiling, and ípreading corruption ofour owne wicked nature, the leavenof finne, falle doarine, heretic, corruption of' manners, fowre and tart of eaions, that will not fland with the receiving of Chrifl and his benefits. All this we mull purgeout, and fludy for flncerity and truth in judgement,in affeaion, in action. 2. They mull Bate the Paffeover withfewer herbs, as fawce. fignitying, t.true repentance and godly forrow ofheart to bee in íeperablewith the true apprehender of jefus Chrill : 2. that Chrif I and his Croffe are infepe- rable,and that afflic`Lions (as fowreherbs) are the moll wholefome fawce ofChriflianity:Sowre indeed,and un- pleating to the flefh, but profitable r. to prepareand provoke the appetite with more cheerefulneffe and ardency to all godly dutiesofprayer,hearing,Sacraments, mercy, patience, hope, &c. Rom.S. 3, 4. z. towhet and provoke to the praaife ofall Chriflian duties ofmercy and love. 3. to excite the del re to bee fully fed with that fweet tree of life, and that bleffed Mannah (in which is no fowreneffe) in the kingdome of glory, Rev, 3.17. 3. . They mull aiwaies in eating repeate andconferre of