Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The Pafseover, a ty, pe ofChrzf1. 233 oftheir deliveranceout of/Egypt , and in memory of that benefit provoke their thankfulneffe toGod, ver.26. 27. adding as it were to theSacrament aword ofinffru- elion:fignifying i. that we fhould alwaies remember the death and paffion ofChrift with due thankefullneffe for fo great a deliveranceby it : ifthey miff ftill fpeake of their temporali deliverance : much more we of fo great and eternal( deliverance by it , from the fpirituall Cervi- tude offinne,death, thedivell,and damnation : i. it fha- dowed herein its fuccefl'or in the new Tefiament, for the Sacrament of the supper was therefore inflituted to keepe in remembrance the death of /elm Chrift, u Cor. 11.26. As often as ye fhall Bate this bread,and drinke this cup,ye Phew the Lords death till he come 3.tobe a rule for all Sacraments, wherein it is receffary, that the word Vaccmentterb? be ioyned to the Element : I meane the wordof i nflituti- on,and (Wit may be conveniently) ofexhortation, that the feale maygoewith the Charter , as (even in the fe fhadowes) the Lord himfelfe flraicly enjoyned : thefe were the Lawe s prefcribed for the nniverfary Paffeo - ver, both inExod. i 2. r4, and Numb. 9. in neither of which is any mention of any of the former Lewes pro- per to the firf} Pafreover. The lea condition in eating concerned the mcafure. S. The Lambe muff be whole eaten : fi mifying r . Our per- mcaCure ofca- fet communion withChrift, who are as neerelyunited ring it. untoChrift, as the meat we Bate, which is turned into , our owne fubflance. 2 . That nothing inChrift is a iprofi- table. 3. That Chrift inufl be received wholly without dividing of his nature, or deflroying any of his offices. Arrito divides the Lambe in denying. his Godhead. Manieheer, impugned his humanity. Neither Bate the whole lamb.The Papiftsdeftfoy all his Ofñces.W hofos- ver deny anyfundamentall Articleof Religion, theydi- vide the lamb. To eate the whole lamb, is to beleeve whole Chrift ; according to the rule, Faith is but one Fides of una Co- putativa