Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

z34 The Paíleover, a typeofChrj1. yet a copulative : Deny one, overthrow all. Hitherto ferved that Iniunaion, that no partof the lamb mutt bee referved till the morrow ; but if any remained itmuff bee burnt with fire, verf, to. The Lord inhis infinite wifedomewould prevent all the occafions of' idolatry, which is eafily admitted in the refervations of holy things : A s in Popery, what a deale of idolatry is crept into the Church by ref-crying fuperftitious relicks, and efpecially their confecrated or conjured bread ; as ifthis conditiondidnot condemne exprefly that Popi refer- vationofthe hoaff or breaden god ? Addhereunto, that the Jewes requiring the body of Chriff on theCroffe to be taken away that night before the Sabbath, Ioh.19. 31. fulfilled (again(} their knowledge) this Prophecy : No- thingof the Pafchall lamb muff be left till themorning. Pafchall Iamb, a type of Chtiit in the b;.nefits. SeFE, V. V. ThePafchall Lamb is anexpreíhe type ofChriff in refpec`t ofthe fruit and uCe ofit, which is fecurity and fafety fromGods revenge,vcr.2 3 : For as by the (prink- ling of the blood, and eatingof the flefh, theJews were defended from the revenging Angel, and the deffroyer palled over the houle where peeefpied the blood fprink- led : So the blood of Chriff applied to the confcience, cauleth the wrath of God to paffe by thofe that are fò fprinkled. And as they could fit in the hcufe fafe, and not feare the ffroke of the deffroyer , becaufe of the blood fprinkled ; fo whofoever by true faith feeds up- on jefus Chrifl, and are died with his blood, ref' fecure and fearenot the def}ruetionand revenge due to wicked men. Heb. I o, ii. Let us draw narrewith a trueheart in afforante offaith rinkled is our hearts from an real confcience. I. As the Jews dwelling in Âgypt were in great danger of the revenging Angel,who was topaffe through the