Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

.The b Paf%over, a typeoChrift. 231 the land : So all the Ifrael ofGod, dwelling in the midst ofthe .Egypt of the world, and too toomuch tainted with the fatkrions ofit, haveno final' caufeto feare the judgements and revenge ofGod,which'truft purfue the firmes of it ; and alfo to rife meanes for their owne fafe- ty in the night of trouble and revenge, as the Ifraelites did. Qs eft. What meanes ? Anfw. The fane that Ifrael did. We mutt, i . Sprin- kle the houle of our hearts with the bloodofthe Lamb, Heb. to. 22, ffrrinkled in our hearts, &c. Whofoever were fprinktedwith the bloodof the lamb, were fafe. Was there fo much power in the bloodof the type ; and not much more in the blood of the trueth ? 2. Get in- to the houle of the Church, and fellowChip ofthe faith- full; for fuch as are true members of the Church (which is thehoufeof Saints)are secure from the plagues ofwie kedmen. Ifai.27. 3.1the Lord do keep the vineyard: I will V water it every moment : left any aJaìle it, I will kPepe it night andday : and /tai. 37.18. c/2Lty people fhall dwell in the Tabernacle of peace, andin fore dwellings, and infafe refling places.. Noah can bee (afenowhere (iri the de-' luge) but in theArke : And out of the Church is no fal -_ vation, or fafery. 3. Thou milli abide in the houle all night, and goe not forth. Except the ifraclites abide in the houle, they cannot be fafe : except thou abide(} in the {hipof the Church, thou cant}not bee fare, no more thenany of Noahs company if they had flepped out of' the Arke. Wee mutt adhere constantly to the true Church, and not forfake thefellowship, or depart from it by Apoflacy, or revolt; which brings certaine ship-' wrack of faith. Confider, He'd. Io, as. 4. Patiently await for themorning, even the bright riling and appear ring of j efus Chrift the Sunne of righteoufneffe, corn- ming againe to our deliverance.; whether publikely to generali judgement, br perfonally in fpeciall to our felves. Danger of the foule: and how itistobcavoy- ded.