Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Z36 f e. z Directions for receiving the holy Coznmu pion. The Paffeover,a type of ChriII. felves. For hee shall bring health under hir wings, 011a1.4. z. I I. In the wholeprecedent difcourfe is a fruitful' di- rec`lioti for ChrifUians for their holy ufe of the Sacra- ment of the Supper , which is come in place of the Pati`eover. I. As bee mull bee circumcifed that muff eate the Paffeover: fomuff hee be baptized that muff be admit- ted to the Supper ; that is,a reverent pr©feffed Chritian. For holy things muff not bee cuff to dogs, Matt.7.6. The word aadSacraments are childrensbread, and muff not be calf to dogs, that is, obffinate enemies, fcorners, blaf phemers, tomenof uncircumcifed lips and Bares, who wilfully repell the meanes oftheir cleanfing. Somuch the more pity is it that all forts ofnotorious evill men thruft into the pretence chamber of the great King, yea fit downeatthe Lords Table, and like fwine fwill in his cup without control!, orany rebuke in many places Openblafphemers, common- drunkards, fcoffing Ifhma- els, noted adulterers, obftinate inners : And whc re is the care to préferve theholy things of God from pollu- tion, contempt, and profanation ? Would a man fpread a table for dogs orfwine ? If the fhadowsof thefe holy thingsmight not bee call to doggs : is it nothing to ex- pofe to them the body and fubffance it felfe ? I.Cor. I r. 3o. for this caufe manyare weake and fcke among you, and many fleepe. z. As the Lambwas taken in the tenth day, but was not flame till thefourteenth, that it might be before their eyes all the foure dayes before, for the helpingof their meditation, anddue preparation to the eating of it : So no man muff come to the supper without due preparing himfelfe,For iffo long preparation was by God thought fit for the shadow : what preparation canbe thought fit and fufficient f©rthe fubilance, t.ChrOn, 3 S .6 ? It was the counfellof Solorxon,Prov,z3,1. When thou fitteJdomne -- at