Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

(The Paffeover, a type ofChriß. at a great mans table, confider diligently before con- Meru thee : Muchmore here at the greatGod sTable, no ion, of the Author, matter, maner, end, fruit, and ufe can be futicient. W hat a fearefull thing is it tocome as moll men doe,not c®nt'idef that the Lords thatoate down miferable was the fentence g ucf}, at the Kings table without his wedding garment ? Our Matt,zz4 3= common preparation is, to put on our bei$ clothes, and to cover our bodily nakedneffe in moll curious manner : In themeane time the Lord feeth, and mensowne con- ; fciences witnefleagainfl them, how naked their foules lie, and filthily di'covered. The due preparation to this ordinance would be attended with more comfort with- in, and more reformation without, then wee canefpie inmoll communicants. 3. As thePafchall lamb mull neverbee eaten w itlr out fower herbes : fo we muf$ never come to the Sacra- ment without true humiliation and forrow for finne. There can beeno fweetneífe in the blood of Chrift, till theheart bee full of bitterneffe for finne. For as fower fawces whet the flomacke, and provoke the appetite: ! fo true forrow for finne, ffirreth up our delire and appe- tite after jefus Chrif$,and prepares us to ail goodduties, andholds us in a fitneffe to pray, to heare theword, to theSacrarent, to works of mercy, &c. What a fweet fowerneffe andbitterneffe is that which brings fuck de- , leaable fweetneffe and refrefhing after it ? Anyman of reafonwould make hard fhift to drinke downe a bitter i potion to helpe his bodily health : and muchmore a god, ly manwill becontented to digeft godly forrow for the procuring of heavenly joy, and the fweet comforts of Gods falvation. 4. As theJewmight not Bate the lamb,till he hadpur- ged d leavenout ofhis houfe : So we muft notcome to the Sacrament without the forfakingof our finne. Ne- ver can a man expeó any comfort by Chrif$s Sacrifice that 2;7