Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

2,38 The Paíreover, a type of íhr/2. 4. similitude of purging out leaven and fin. that hideth the old leaven in the corners ofhis heart. Whence the Apoflle, z .Cor. S.7. exhorteth the Saints, to purge sut the old leaven ; becaufe Chrifl our Pafcover ï i ftcrficed for ut. Here is to bee confidered, z . What this leaven is, z. What i3 the purgingof it. v. This leaven is not onely the leaven ofcorrupt doarin, which fuddenly fowreth the truth and lumpe of the Gofpel, as leaven Both a lump ofdove : but alto the leaven of fin, both in the corruption of nature; ( which is the old lea - ven in Our felvea, andhath fowred all the lump ofwhole mankind, and everyman, and every faculty of man ) as alto in corrupt and vicious cónverfation, which fbwreth and leavenethothers with himfelfe in focieties. 2. The purging of this leaven is, i. In correcting and repen- ting finne pall ; when aconfiant care is nourifhed to find it oat, and to cáft it out : z . In ferious converfion and turning to God; both which are exprefied inP134.14.. Sea. VI. 'left Howmaywepurge out thisleaven ? Anfv. Imitate the Jew. For why fhoulda Jewbe more careful in the shadow and ceremony,then a Chrifli- an in the truth and fubflance ? I. The Jewbegins topurge within,and banifh it out of his houle : So begin thou to purge the infide firft, 1ír.4.4. paf thyheart, O Ieruflem. Anhypocrite can wafh his face, but a found Chriflian looks tohis heart. Many can purge theirmouthes and outwardmanabout the timeof the Sacrament ; but the heart is fluffedwith malici oufnes,envie,profaneneflee, and ungodlineffe. Many can bee buhe to purge other mens houfes ; but the Jew mufle purge his ownhoufe. I I. TheJew purged out all leaven, and fpared none not a morfell or a crumrne : And fhall not .a Chriflian count every finne a pollution , and hateful' to God ? Shalt any fay,Is itnot a little one?I may fweare a little;be driznke, if fildonie : I may not kill; but mile and revile,. and