Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

The P.affeover, a type of Chr%f . and fpeake mymind:I maynot beanadulterer,but wan- ton infpetches, looks, 'behaviours, and inmy company : I may not goe tb,plough on the Sabbath ; but maybuy and feil, rsdeabroad, or be idleat home. Why ? Is not a little(erpent, aferpentt or a littlepoifon, poifon ? Isnot a little leaven enough to Powera whole lump ? I II. The Jew carefully and narrowly fearched and (wept every corner and . cranny of his houfe, that not the leaft crumme might efcape him: And4hall not wa as carefully throw out this leavenout ofevery power of the foule, and every part and member of our bodies ? That every one may pof{effe his whole houfe inholineffe andhonour, r_Ther. 4.4. How doth the Scripture teach us to purge this. leaven out_of all cogs}? As e. Out Ensile purging of the confcience ; to ferveGod with a pure confcience, of the foule. 2.2ina. t , 5 : z. Out ofthe affec`Iions ; preRribing love out of a pure heart, a .TTins: r . 5 . and.tb take heed to our EccleL5.r. feete comming to the houle of-God : 3. Out of our fenfes, Pfal.,i i g..; 7. turne awaymine eye?frdns regarding I, v n. tier ; Jqb: u. 1. Invade a covenant Okla mine' eyes. So to Phut the care from hearing bláfphemy againfl God,or men and not tobe agents and abetters of Mar - phemers : 4. Out orotrr fpeaches, Pe ril . 3 9 . . Paid I ' will looke aorny wayes, that I °Fend 'not in my one ? And in Head; of this leaven to accuflorne our ielves to ay r9.r8. the language of Canaan, and gracious fpeaches tending to edification, rniniflring grace td the hearers, s I V. A Jewmuff beginhis purging leven dayes be-- fore,, and hold on all the feaft on pain of death : How= muchmorefhould wee beginne topurge our felveebe- i times; and hold on fo long as our Paffeover }alts ? And becaufeour Paffeover is not annua!l,as thatwas,1aut con- tinuall ; wee ttuift continueour cleanfing and ièparating from this leaven which is not eafily Waffled oat. Thos Ihafie but trifled in this !eniînef e that hangeftdov ne thy head fora day,,and art penitent for the time oftheSacra. men;