Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Z40 ....IMP. 5urfiea; The Pafféover, 4 type ofChrifi. ment, unlefre thou continual to reforme and renew thy heart and life, and confcionablyavoideit allleavenoffin all thy life ; which is, or ought to be a cöntinuailChrifti- an Paffeover. V. As the rews muff Bate the Pafreover with their bines girt, with (laves in their hands, eating in hafte as tending to their Countrey : So we muft never come to the Sacrament,. but with holy hearts and meditations : r. Seriouflyconfideringwhat ftrangers and pilgrims we are here below ; not having any continuing Cityhere, but are feekng n Countrey, Heb.i 3.14 Hee that is a true eater ofour Pafch all Iamb, muff not pitch downe his f}affe here ; but asChriftian Rechabites, Ier. 3 î. efteeme themfelves ilrangers,content themfelves to dwellin tents ever ready to remove ; not dit}raeting themfelves in building haufes, or planting vineyards, or feckinggreat things for thecaafelves. Hence was that commendable admonition of the ancient Church, in the time of the Sacrament, ufed in our Liturgic : Lift upyour hearts: z. Wee mull cate the Lamb haftily , haftning unto Chrill the true Paffeover ; and not infifl in thefe Sacra= ments ofours, which are Hill but as fhadows of good things to come ; yet ferving us through thisour orange Countrey, and fpeeding us intoour ®wne Canaan and countrey, and that with all expedition ; Peeing that to be diffolved hence, and to be with Chrifl, is belt ofall, Phil. z.z 3 : 3. We mutt celebrate our Paffeover with Raves in our hands, that is, the doctrine of theLaw and Gof- pel held in our hearts, as a fiaf a todefend our felves in the right track and pathof holy doarine, and holycon. verfation ; to repulfe our advertaries that come out a- gainft as, for it is the fwordof the Spirit ; and to leane Capon, as a ftaffe, in our weakneffe and wearinefle. This flakmuffnot lie by us in our books ; but be held in our hands andhearts, and bee ( not in our pofreffion onely, but) in our daily ufe. Hee bath no comfort of this sa- crament,