Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

246 Cloud andFire, types ofC1rt11. .Anfw. In five refpeets; T. as a Pillar, ;ofcloud,3.of fire,4.ofcloudand fire,5.in the Life of it. I. As a Pillar itfignified Chrifl: ; who as a Pillar is firme, {table, flraight, firong, and as a Pillar able to fup- port his Church,and tobeareupall the living Hones layd on this foundation. II. Asa Pillar of cloud, t. as the cloud naturally engendreth fruitful( raines and ['bowers : fo Chrift pro- perly, by the influence and raineofgrace, makes the field ofthe Church frefh,fruitfull, flourishing; z.as thecloud mitigates theheat of the Sunne : fo jefus Chrift quen- cheth and allayeth the parching heat of his Fathers wrath, and is the covering ofhis Church in this dryand parched wildernes; So as when the foule ofa man is dry- ed up and fainteth within him through heat of his finne, then hee refrefheth it with the fweet and comfortable doetrine ofthe Gofpell (as with a fweet raine) the di- hreffed confcience. He it is, that fpeaketha word to the weary indue feafon. 3. as the cloud covered Ifrael from the /Egyptians fbry :(o jefus Chrift defends his Church, /.from the fiery dartsand affaults ofSatans temptations; 2. from the furious rageof our owne lufl:s , and inflam- mation offanne : 3. fhelters it from the heat of the Sun ofperfecution, and from all bodily foes that they can- not doe what they will,but what he permits. III. Chrift was fignified by the fiery part of the Pillar. For i . as firehath aquickningheat in it: fo bath jefusChrift; who is the life of the world; but efpecially of his Church and cleft: 2.as fire bath light : Co Chria is the true light of the world ; whom whotbever belee- veth,heneeds noother light norknowledg to salvation, nomore then Ifrael needed any light in the night but this. All Gods people walke by this fiery Pillar and by no other, 3. as fire purgeth andpurifieth metals from droffe : fo doth lefus Chrift purge his people from all their firmes ; partly by the fire of his fpirit within, Met.