Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cloudand Fire, types ofChrill. Mat.3.t T. andperfealy by his blood which cleanfeth fromall finne. r .Ioh,, .7. I V. As a pillar both of fire and cloud , it fignified Chrift in his r . perfon. z . anions. i . In hisperfon: Being a Pillar bothof fire and cloud, it was both light and darkneffe;fïgnifying Chrift jefus,God and man;both fhining in the brightnetfe ofthe gloryofhisdeity,and at the fame time clouded,veiled, darkned, and obfcured in a bale and defpicablehumanity : in which to the blinde world, was no formenor beauty, /peg 3.2. And as both fire and cloudmakebut one pillar, foGodand man,one Chrift. 2. In h;s anions. For 1. As the Pillar of fire and cloud, Chrili both enlightens the I lrael of God to falvation,and is darknes,at the fame time,toall Egyp- tians, that is, a humbling block and hone ofoffence to unbeleevers. 2. As the fame pillar, Chrift both open- eth the' ay ofthe red lea to beleevers, giving the grace ofBaptifine through the red fea ofhis blood:as alto jufi- ly fhutteth obfünate finners from grace and favour ; the meanesofwhich (being offeredunto them) they wilful- ly tread under foot, turning all the graceof Chrift to their deeper damnation. 3. As the fumePillar ofcloud and fire, Chrift is the guide ofall the ¡fracl of God ; whomwee rnufl follow in all our journey through our wilderne(fe,both in the rules ofhi) holy donrine,and al- foofhis blef edexample.Therefore himfelfe faith(Mat. I I .29.) followme : as they were to follow that cloud ; for that was but a Type of this, leading us to out Cana - an. 4. as that fame Pillar ofcloudand fire,jefus Chrift proteneth his Church from all enemies : Hee fleps be- tweene the Camps ofIfraëlites and 1h:gyptians, becom- ming their fure defence, l'fai. 18. r . 24 This Pillar (hall never refi till the dead bodies oftheiEgyptians and ene- mies become a fpoile and fpenacle tohis people. V. In the infallible infiruftïon ofit,it typifyedChrifi. For as the Lord fpake to-Mofea out ofthe cloudy Pillar, R4 when 247