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Z8 CloudandFire,types ofChrift. a when it defcended on the Tabernacle, and delivered his Oracles in it, Exod. 33. 9. fo jefus Chrift alone is the cloudy Pillar by whom theLorddelivers tous his whole counfell concerning our happy paffage through this our wilderneffe to that bletfed Canaan, the happy refl ofall the Saints. And as they mull heare and obey abfolutely thofe Oracles,fowe are commanded tohearehim, Mat.r'.S. kfe r. Comfort by Chrift as our guide. A pplication follower. L Is Chria thePillar ? Here is comfort for the peo- ple ofGod ; who (hall want no good things,but this Pil- lar ofcloud and fire (hall íùpply it. For, 1. The Cloud was a general! guide for all and every particularofGods pe.-)ple,lfa.4.5.6. The cloud was eve- rywhere feene : andChrift is every where prefent tobe feen & found in his Church. Wherefoever twoor three aregathered together in my name, there am I in the midfl ofthem, Mat.18.2o. ler.5 i .5 . Irr tel hath6eene no svidozr. I T. The Cloudw as an unerring guide ; becaufe the Lord went in the Cloul: fo that (except the Lord could mifiead them) they muf{ needs gue aright- jefus Chrift is the way as well as the truth;follow him in thedireai -. on of his word, in the motions ofhis fpirir, agreeing thereto : in his bleffed example both in doing andfuffe- ring walke as he did : And as he paffed by his Croffe to the Crown,fo {hall he lead thee through this wilderneffe to that Canaan and ref},tomwhich he hath gonebefore to take thee in. I I T. As theCloud was a fafe guide and a covering cloud,fo is jefus Chri-ft the vayl and coverof his Church. Whenthe Pharaohof hell purfues us at heels,and is even ready. to fnatch us back into eternal' flavery ; now this Angell ofthe Covenant interpofeth himfelfe to defend us,and aeppethbetweene us and dangers. ThisCloud of Gods protebion (feeme it never fo farre off ) is the fure wall