Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cloud 4ndFire,types ofChri7t wall anddefence ofthe Church, the4trongeft munition, and will not Puffer the /Egyptian arrnyes to come neere the Ifraelites tohurt or deftroy them, but onely to exer- cife them, and drive themmore hailily to God for fafe- ty, and to Canaan For reft. This is a lure comfort, when we know that all the enemies ofgrace,Papifts,apoflates, recufants, drunkards, (corners and Atheifls reachat us to hurt andhinder us in our way,this cloud (hall make them further us. I V. The Cloudwas a=powerfull guide, ftrengthning Ifrael, weakning and difccmforting all the power of Egypt; powerfully and miraculoufly opening the red fea for a paffage to the one, and (hutting it for the others perdition. Our Lord j E sus is a potent guide,theMi chael and Captaine ofGods Armies, getting himfelfe a name upon Pharaoh and his forces, difcomfiting andde- ftroying all adverfary power of our faivation, perfeEly conquering for us all the powers of daikneffe, and tri- umphing upon all the externall enemies that purfue his people,and making them the daft ofhis footfloole. Be- fides that, this cloud powerfullyopens the red Pea, and makes a way for the Saints through a lea of afflictions. 'z Oh the fweet comfort hence, both in the view ofthe trouble of the Church in generali, befet with fo many huge armies of Antichrift andhis adherents ; as aliĆ³ in fence of our owne particular tryalls ! Both whole and parts are under this powerfull cloud. V. The Cloudwas a comfortable guide,a cooling co- vering Cloud :jefus Chrifl is the weil,yea and feaofcon- folation : without whom is nothingbut fcorching heat, which would burneup and conlume the Church. But he cooles the fire ofhis Fathers wrath for us, he cooles the fiery darts ofSatans temptations, and quencheth them in us;he refrefheth and cheereth us in the funne ofperfecu- tion andafflietions which fatan and his infiruments dle againft us ; he is our onely(hadow for the heat, and a cover