45 Pre. s, Confidence and fecurity by Chrift. CloudandFire, tapes of Chrift. cover for the íterme, and for the raine, 1/44.6. Now therefore get to himby prayer,faith,and repentance. V I. The Cloud was a patient and rep(live guide. It waited all their neceflities, it refted that they might mil, itmoved tlowly according to their pace, it flayed for them till theyhad ground theirMannah, and baked it; till they had eaten and refrefhed rhermfelves; till they had offered facrifices, and what(oevcr was ncce(iary to be done,icwaited for them. Oh what a patient and re- fpe6tive Lord havewe, who notonely waits on our r9e- ceffìties,but beares all our needs and weakneffeson him- felfe ; not onely beares with our infirmities, but bearer them on himfelfeand helpes them in us ! He flretcheth his hands all day long,waiting for our return :He knows our mould and weaknetfe, and covers it with his owne flrength and righteoufneffe : He would be in all things likeus,that he might in all things helpe us. VII. The Cloud was a conflant guide.The Lord never tookaway his Pillar by day,norby night from before the people, Exod. r 3.2z. not all their journey till they came into Canaan. jefus Chrift is conftant tohis Church, ne- ver leaves it without light anddirection, without com- fort andcoufolation,without fafcty and protection.Nay he not only leads and covers them in this wilderneffe, but never fayles them, nonot in the land oftheir ref}. That cloud which now is like the cloud whichE/, law, like thebigneffe ofan haud,then thall cover, or rather fill the wholeheavens. II. Here is a groundofconfidence and fecnrity in the greateft perils. What a marvellous thing is it that a Pil- lar offire fhould fit upon the Tabernacle, and not burne it ? What a orange thing that a Pillar offiremuftcoole theIfraclites, and lave them from fire? So (hall all fires kindled, and all extreamedangers thrcatned againll the Church, tend to the faving and comfortingofit. For i. God never kindles a fire to confumehis Church, but I (as