Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Cloud andFire, types ofChhrit. (as the pillar offire) toenlighten it,and dire& it toCana- an. 2. The Church is that bulb which burner with fire,but is net confumed;Exod. 3. z, The members ofthis Church are not chaff and stubble, bat pure metall, the longer in the fire the better tryed, and the purer. 3. There is no Pillar of fire in the Church without thepil- lar ofcloud : God mingleth his correftions with conib- lations,and in judgement remembrethmercy. 4. Na- turemuff runne out of her (elfè to doe homage to her Creator. Fire muff ceafc toburn at his word,Dan.3.27. The fire burnt only the bonds of the three children, but not their bodies : it not onely raves their lives, but fets them at liberty, being cast in bound. 5. The po- wer efGod makes all the creatures ferviceable to his Church ; the love of' God to his Churchmakes them comfortable, and the prefence ofGt9d with his Church makes them profitable as thepreferce of the Angell in theburn : the prefenceofafourth (like the Sonne of God) in the furnace, Dan 3. and thePillar offire was a figue of the prefence of-God in it, whomade a pillar ofdreadfull and unmercifull fire a great mercy to his people, yea and moftbeneficiall. 6. The wifedome of God can put understanding into these fenfeleffe creatures to diflin- guifh betweene an Ifraëlite and an Egyptian. The fire (hall give light to the lfraëlites,and deny it to the/Egyp- tians. The sea (hall give way to (frad, but That up the way to Egypt. Thecloud fhall hide, cover, and com- fort the Ifraelites,but deny it to the Egyptians. The fire f (,all come out and destroy the Capptaines and their fif- ties,and fend them to hell,but aChariot offire Thal hoyfe Eliah ro heaven. Make useof this observation for the prefent;in the greatefi dangers remembrinr that gracious promife/fa.43. z. when thoupafcf through the fire I will bewith thee,and it shall not burne thee, no more then the Pillar did the Ifraeiites. Doe theenemies come out againft us as firong as Pillars, as furious and fiery as fire it felfe ? Never