Z5Z .011141p41111 Yfe. 3. Notes of them that receive comfort by this Pillar. Cloud andFire, types of Never was there fo hot aPillar of fire, but there was a coolingand covering cloud as neere us. The Cloud that makes the Red feagive way,canconquer Canaauits too, and all the furious enemies that come out againa us. Were it not for this CloudofGods gracious proteftion, therewere no ftanding again(1 the heat and rage of fuch , fiery enemies. Layup this meditation for time to come : Time (hall bee when our Lord jefus (hall appeare,<n f a- min1fire, 2.Thefr i : Heb, i o 7. bee comer witha violent fire : Pfd. s o.3, afire (hall devour beforehim. This (hall burne up the fiuds of heaven and earth ; and now how (hall any man bee able to hand before thefe great bur- flings ? Now know, 1. That that dreadful! fire (hall attend Chrilf the head as a fervant, for the finali falvati. onof his members. z. It (hall bee commanded to bee comfortable to the elect ; as moft dreadfull to the wic- ked, driving them to their wits end ; even as thisPillar of fire was : And as the waters of the deluge, which ( while they drowned the world of' the ungodly ) lif- ted up theArke, and Paved that from drowning. I I I. Who they bee that mayexpea to partakeof' allthefe comforts from thisPillar. e.4nfw. The Cloud is not the fame to all : But the fame cloud that lightned Ifrael, cali darknef a en the 'Egyptians ; fo Chris is not the fame to all, not (weer, not comfortable to all : But to fuch as are, I . Of mount Sion, Ifni. 4.5. true membersof the Church, fonnes ofthe Church,knownby cleaving to the Aremblies. Vpon Sion and the Affemblies thereof (hall bea cloud. In Sion fhall be deliverance. And as the hills compaffe Jerufalem, Co Both the Lords proteCiion his people. 2. Such as be in the Lords wayes, gotten out of the Egypt of their darknef a andearthlinefe, and moving f 111 towards Canaan; for fo did the Ifraelites : So Pfal. 91.1 1. they(hall keep thee in cil thy wayes. All the while Ifrael