Cloud andFire,types ofChrifl. 253 Ifrael was in /Egypt they had noPillar ofcloud and Fire, and when they came intoCanaan theyhad none,, nor needed any ; but while they were walking in thewil- dernefhe in unknowen waves,in danger ofenemies : We arewithout protection while wee are in the (late ofna- ture, not called out ofour Egypt ; and whenwee (hall come into our Canaanwe (hall neednone, becaufe wee (hall be fet quite beyond danger and enemies : But now in our moving towards heaven, in fo many dangerous wayes, among fo many mortali enemies, weeneed the Cloud, and the Lord fuppliesour need. 3. Suchas lift up their eyes to this Cloud and Pillar for direction. Had Ifrael refuted tomove according to the motion of it, it would not have (heltred and com- forted, but revenged them : Such onely (hall obtaine the mercy of God in Chrill, who obediently follow Chrifl, and fubmit themfelves tohisdireelion. If thou waitefl upon him for duty, thou mayeft waiteuponhim for mercy ; for filch onely (hall attaine it,Ga16. i 6. Plat. ' i x i. i . I will lift mine eyes up to the mountaines ; and I then,verfe 6. the Swine¡hall not ¡mite thse by day, norathe C/1'toone by night : alluding to this place, in which the cloud abates the heat c,f the Sunneby day, and the fire the coldnefe ofthe Mcone by night. 4. Such as perfevere and goe on forward in grace. For therefore was the Pillar light in the night to Ifrael, that they might goe forward day and night : And there- fore was it a darke cloud to the Ægyptians, that they might not hinder the Ifraelites in their way. Gods fa- vour and prote&ion belongs to filch as defire to profper and profit in grace, and get every day neerer their hap- pineffe. Objei. But this limes tobe the way to lofe all peace And how this and joy of our lives, feeing none are more affailed by comfort is to Satan and wicked men, then godly men, fonnes of the beckeemcd. Church that.walke in Godawayes, that take Gods.d'i- reaîóris,