Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

2S4 Yfe. 4. Mercy and ju- nicemec in this type.; Cloud and Fire, types ofChrU, reftions, and desre to proceed and perfever in godl- neife ; how then are all thefe promifes accomplished ? ("Afro a All promifes of temporal' good things are made with exception of the croffe : this exception ienpeacheth not the promife. a. It is a common con- dition of good andbad to fuftaine many evils, and un- dcrgoe many difficulties; but withthisdifference, that the wicked have no Pillar to fuftaine them, no cloud, no refugeor hiding place : but the godlybath God for his refuge, his Pillar, and Cloud, 3. The Pillar -íä1l fiends over the Tabernacle, and laves the Armie of Ifrael: the whole Church is ever faved by Gods prote&tion, though fome fouldiers may fall in the battcll; as Martyrs, who receive not alwaies corporal' deliverance, to re- ceive abetter reCurreftîcn, 4. If this Pillar put not off force evills,it everfupplies fome greater good : Ifit de- liver not from death, it delivers by death : Ifour state feeme not fogood, it will turne is to áood,Rom.8. It led the Ifraelites to Marah, a place of bitternefJe; but the next remove was toElise, where were twelve foecntaixes of*ate ,Exed. t 5.13,2y. It fufi'ers the Ifraelites towant meat in thewilderneffe, but to feed them withManna If to want drinke, it is to fupply them by miracle ; to refrefh their foules as well as bodies bywater out of a rocke. I V. In the fame Pillar of the Cloud, fee juflice and mercy met together and tempered. t. Mercy to the Church andbeleevers ; that nowwee behold Gods pre- fence in a cloud. The brightneffeof his goodneffe tous shines in this darke cloud, in which wee fee him as wee are able. His Majefly bath attempered himfelfe toour debility and weakneffe. For fuch is our infirmity here below, thaturleffe the glory of Godbe wailedand cove- red, wee can neverbee able tobehold it : no more then thePriests could (land before thebrightneffe ofthe cloud that filledthe Temple, i. Kinn.B. i i. nor the Difciples abide