2,6a [ TheRedSea, typeofChrif. Segmenta. ac`lions in this temporal' deliverance , but it fignified and Pealed fuck anions to the beleeving Ifraclices as both confirmed their faith in the Covenant, andPet for- ward their lalvation merited by theMeffiah, and fo f ill Iled them to Chrift. As in thefe examples. z . God in leading his people to Canaan made thew a fare way through the fea:fignifyiug to their faith that God offered them Jefus Chrift the promifedMefliah, through the red feaofwhofe death and paillon they lhould find a fure and fate way to paffe them through a full feaof troubles to the true celeftiall Canaan and by him as by a firme way towalke forward to eternal' life. z. When they £ w the fame Jehovah to divide the fea into his divificn Iuniru calleth them cuttings ef) and todrive away the raging waters from overflowing them; this aftion fig- nified to their faith that the fon ofGod by his merit and meJiation would carry them through all difficulties and dangers as deepe as thebottomeofthe fea, unto eternall reft, and fo rebuke the feas of their forrows, and drive back the raging waves of terrors and temptations that threaten their deffruEtion, that they 'hall fafely and hap- pily paffe through the fea as it were on dry land. 3. When they law Jehovah the Sonne of God prefent with them in the voyage, and that he made the fea re- turne tohis force againe, both to Cave themfelve.s and to overthrow the /Egyptians : It fignified to their faith the a±ionofChria freeing his del from all fpiri tuall forces and armies purfuing them;as all() by a mightyoverthrow fwallowing up and devouring (in the bottomleffe Pea ofhiswrath) all chofe that come out and fand again} them. III. Conclufion. There is no Evangelical! bleiiing byChrift fealed tous by baptifine, which was not fig- nified and fealed to them in the Red fea. So as Chrift wasas truely reprefented to them as to us, though not fo cleerely;. and the truthand fubilanceof his merits ex- hibited