Red lea, a type ofarifi. 26i hibited to there as to us,onely in a manner more obfcure and clouded. As in examples, I. Ifthe watersofBap- tifme feal up to beleevers .that the blood ofChrift alone faveth and defendeth the people ofGod from eternal( death and damnation : What could be snoreplainely fig- nified by thewatersoftheRed fea faving Ifraei from pre- fent death and deftruftion ? 2. Baptisme fignifieth to us that by the blood ofChiifl (inwhich Red ka all beleevers muff bebaptifed) there is a dying and a burial! unto finne,and a rifing unto newneffe of life: What could be moreplainely fignified by the Baptismeofthe fathers in the Red tea,who were (after a fort) buried in the wa- ters, but after raifed to the fhoare, andreftored to land and life ? 3. By the benefit ofBaptifine(in which the Red lea ofChrills blood is truely applyed) ouroldman and fiefh is truely mortified, buried, anddeflroyed; but the newman is quickned and repaired and nownew motions,delres, affeéions are flirred up and preferved in the hearts ofbeleevers : what couldbemore exprefly fignified to the Fathers by the overthrow of 'Pharaeh and hishoffe in the Red lea, and the elcape ofthe t frae- lites fafeand found ? q.. When they did fee themfelves (by thebenefit'of the Red fea) freed from PharAohsfer- vitude : how eatlymight they gather, that by the blood ofChrifl; everybeleever ofjewes andGentiles are freed from the flavery ofhellifh Pharaoh, and all his Armies of finnes and corruptions ? Andwhen they did fee how the /Egyptians (once dead and faire) couldhurt them no more,how could they but gather,thar all the armies of finne (once remitted and buried in the death ofChrifl) cannomore rife up to condemnation, then a drowned /Egyptian todrowne an Ifraelite ? T. To note the mighty powerofGod, who can ílú11 andover-mailer themighty raging ofthe fea:whichwe fee here in that its water,dry land,fands, and fhoare ob- ferve the providence ofGod, and ferve for his peoples S 3 faiety.. Beueits felled up ley baptifinc Yfe r. ©bferue the PowerofGod.