2. The way to heaven filled withdiffieul- ties. And why.. Red (ea, et We vjChrill. fafcty. Ifrael:faw the mightypower ofGodherein,E.vo. 14.3 t. Let usalto behold the gloryof Godhérein, and feare before him as they did. Let not us be more fenfe- lefï'ethan the fenfeleffe creatures, but heare his voice, runne out of our owne nature to obferve his voice founding in the Scriptures and Minifleryofthe Got-pelt. I I. To fee and confi ler the lateoftheChurch and people of God. Canaan (whither they goe) is a fineand fertile country, but the way is afperous anddangerous. They are hill as it were in the bortome ofthe fea : ene- mies implacable at their heeles in infinite numbers ; feas ofwaters dreadfull to behold on both hands, yea riling over their heads as mountains threatning to fall over them : and after a deepe fea, a terrible wilderneffe takes therm; in which is no meaner for meat, drinks, nor el-ate. A-tnan would thinke, no man could deale.fo with his children : and yet Gods wifedome fees this the fitteaway to Canaan. He fees how, r . Every;fimall content glewes is toour Egypt. _ 2. What -fluggswe 1 are in theway,fartherthen wearechafed out. 3. How little we care for dependanceon himfelfe, when weare full of naturali comforts. 4. That Canaan is fo rich a land as is worthy all our labour and fuffering. Apply this note to awake thee out ofthy cafeand ear- nall {lumber. ifthy way be fo eafie and pleating to flefh, lure it leads not toCanaan, fufpet it. The Ifraelites go- ing intoEgypt, had no enemies nor troubles meeting them ; but going into Canaan, they had nothing elfe. Strait it the way that leads to life, andall the way tohea- ven is (crowed with eroffes. Apply it alto to fecare thee in thy troubles. Art thou in a deepe danger or forrow like the bottone ofthe lea ? It is noworfewith thee thenwith the reft ofthe people ofGod, Noaffli }ion overtakes thee, but the fame hath befalne theSaints in the world. Holdon toCanaan,and all is fafe c Canaan is worth all.Happythou if thou canft get toCanaan,though thy ewe