Manna, a type ojChrift. 267 2. The tafle of Manna was Tweet, and tailed like roar frefh oyfe, Numb. l i .8. or wafers baked with heney,Exed. 16.31 : So nothing is fp fweet as jefus Chrifl toana& flied and hungryheart, The Tweet promifes of grace are fweetcr then honey, Pfal. t 9. i o. No frail and tweet oile can fo cherith the face, as theydoe theheart which is able to apprehend the Tweet confolations and ¡oyes of the Spirit. And as Manna tatted alike to all tafles, and every whit of it was Tweet, and every mouth tafled the fame fweetneffe, as it never was in anyother food in the world : So onely Chrift is the fame to all that tafle him, and every whit of him is fweet, even his yoake, his Croffe, and every mouth that tafles him, can confeffe hire fo tobe. 3. The figure ofit was round,a figure ofperfection fignifying jefus Chrift without beginning or end,thefir(t The 01. ,modthe Taft, mot} fimple and fincere, without any guile- full corner or angle ; molt infinite, moll perfef,and fit tocontaine all perfections ofgrace, meet for the head of the Church. 4. The colour was white, Exod. 16.3 i : fignifying the molt holy and immaculate purity of jefus Chrift in his nature, peribn, and a?fions : The holy One of God, fairer then all the fonnesof men,Pfal.4j . z . 5. The generality : It was common to all theMfrae- lites ofwhat {late foever : So jefus Omit' is the com- mon Saviour, to rich and poore, to mailer and fervant, bondand free,and toall beleeving in his Namewithout re- #eci ofperfons,AL.I o.24. There is neither male nor fe- male, but all are one in Ciri,ft, Gal. 3, 2 S. 6. The continuance ofit : This was all the while, they were in the wilderneffe : So Chrift continues al- wayes with his Church, to the end of the svorld,tfatt. 28.2o. But whenthey came intoCanaan it ceafed ; for where ordinarybread was, was no needofmiraculous : So when wee come toourCanaan, wee (hall gatherno' more