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':' .,.. .._^ 268 2. g9antityof Manna, figura. cive in 4.things Manna, a typtofChrill. moreMannaby themeanes ofthewordandSacraments; neitheryet Ihall we loft ourManna, but immediatly en- joy.Chriff, and feehim face to face, which the Apof}le calls an open face, i. Cor. i 3: t z. I I. Thequantityof Manna confidered in it felfe, re- fembledChrif1 in foure particulars. r. It wasa fmall graine, as a littlefeedof Coriander, verf. /4. but full ofyeald, fweetneffe, and nourifhment: So J efus Chrif} was little andhumble in his owneeies, and inother mens eies liker a worme then a man. Little in his birth, in his life, in his death, in his followers. Uery weake in thew and appearance ; but full ofpower, firength, and grace to Inflame and uphold his Church; full of noarrifliment, fweetnefl'e, and comfort to refreflí his Church to eternalllffe. 2. It was freelyand abundantly given to Ifrael as the raine, and fell downe with the dew : So Jefus Chrift is freely given to theChurch,and inhimabundant grace and plentiful) redemption. God never expreffed fccch bounty, nor ever opened the treafuryof his richgrace in any thing fomuch as in giving his Chriff, who never comes any wherewithout the fweet dewesofcomfort, joy, and happy graces which diftill fromhim into every beleeving heart. 3. Manna fell every morning round about the campe, and no whereel fe ; and fo much everymorning as was fufficient for fixe hundred thoufandmen befides women and children : fignifying that JefùsChrif} is nowhere to bee found without the campe and bounds of the Church ; and that o fhisfHlnef fe all beleevers receinegrace for grace; and that in Chrif} is fufficiency of merit for all his Church; and there need noother fupply for health and fafety of foule, but out of this heape. 4.. It fell on the evening ofthe Sabbath in double quan- tity, becaufe theymuff not breake theSabbath ingathe- ringany : fignifying the double diligence that we muff ufe