Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

.11.111w. Manna, a type of Chrifi. 269 ufe to get Chrift while wee are in and life, eiwhi h Even of our eternal' Sabbath, la- bour after a farther degree of grace, giving all diligence to make oar eleEEionfore before wegoe hence ; for when that eternal' rett comreth there is no more gathering, but a ceafiug from all labour. Andupon condition ofour diligence and care here below, wee fhall have fupply enough of all gracewithout labour and gathering when Chrift flail be all inall to all Ifrael gathered unto him. Sea. I l. Nowwee are to confider this miraculousFood, both in theJews gatheringof it, as alfo in their ufe of it. L In their gathering are three things ; the place, the time, the meafure. r . The place where : It was about the campe and tents of the Jews in the wilderneffe : fignifying that Chriff the heavenly Manna is given to us in this our wil- derreffe, and while we are in this worldwee mu(t pro- cure him toour felves, or never : And farther that his grace is rained downe in the Church ; and no where elfe is laving grace ordinarily tobee found Onely the Ifrael ofGod enjoy Chrift in the meanes; his abode is among the tentsof fhepherds. 2. The time of gathering is : r . The wecke day ; the fixe dayes, not the Sabbath, for it came not on the Sabbath ; but as knowing and dfl'inguifhing times it would, as feed them, fo teach them ; namely toref} on the Sabbath day,as it did and fignified that in that eter- nail Sabbath wee fhall enjoy Manna without meanes and (hall care our fill of that hidden Manna, laid up and prepared for theSaints, Revel.z .1 7. s. Every day in thewecke : to fignifie that wemutt daily feed on Chrift- race ; and that wee muff daily renew the care vation and fuftenance of our foules. 3. Eve- ry L T. Threc things in the Icws ga- theúng.