Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

. Manna, a type of Chrf. ry morningof every day ; early muff they gather it, the firft thing they did : To liignifie, that wee moll embrace Chritl fpeedily, while the meanes la(f and offer them- felves. Chrifl is worth our fira care; and his comtnan- dement is, fire to peke the kingdomeof God. The foo- lithvirgins fought Oileand Manna too late. 3. The meafure: T. Every man hath a meafure out ofthe common heape: fignifying that Chri[f is the fame treafury to poore and rich, finall and great; and every beleever and Ifraelite bath his portion and mea- fure :matured out unto him, (for he mull live by his °Tyne Hab.2.4. faith ) and a fevered meafure of knowledgeand fanai- fication from others. 2. Every man hath the fame meafure. There was one meafure for all, a Gomer for every perfon : So every Chriffian bath his Gomer, and the fame meafure. For although there is difference in the graces of fanaification (force being in the higher formes of knowledge, force in lower; force of little faith, force of great faith ; force whofe zeale is as a fmo4ng faxe, in fomeabright flame) yet juftification by Chrift is equall to all, andBoth not admit amore ora Non fucipit Z Leffe. The youngling in grace is as truely and fully juPci- 34' 6' minr1* fled as the ancient beleever, thoughnot fo fully fanai- lied, ;. ; Every man bath a full Gomer,a full meafure: to fiignifie that in Chriff is no want, but wee are compleat inhim, Col. 2.1 o. And as the gathering Ifraelite (though hegathered leffe then force other) had his Gomer full : fobee that bath the weakefl grace, and weakeff faith (if trueand found) (hall attaine the fame falvation which the ífronger beleeverattaines. For the fame preciousfaith attaines the fame common falvation. a; I I. Wee muff confider this Manna in the Jews ufe Their uCe ofit. ofit. a . In refpeaofthe dreífing. It muffbe ground andbaked before it could bee fit food for the Iraelites : fignifying that Jefus Chriff mull firf'c be ground and bro- kenupon the Croffe, and pounded with pafüon before heel