1111.11k-- Manna,acypeofCh f rari 0 Church. bee could become a fit food and Saviour of his Every graine of Manna rnuft be ground and broken : fo muff Chrift beebrokenand bruifed in the winepreffe of Gods wrath. Every graine of Manna mnfl becbaked in the Oven : fomuff Chr, fl bee parched and baked, yea and dried up in the Oven of his Fathers difpleafure. And this was extraordinary and above nature in ir, that one heate ( namely of the Sunne) melted it; another heate ( namely of' fire ) baked it'; very ftrange, but fig- niñcativeof the fame in Chrift. The heat of his love to mankind melted him ; but the heat ofhis Fathers wrath ( as hot as fire )baked him, and fitted him for our fpiri- tuall food. z. The Manna being dreffed mu fl be eaten, that is, applied totheir fubfiance, and digefled for their nourifhment : fignifying Jefils Chrift, who although ( like the Manna ) he mutt be gathered in common, and muff bee received whole (as Manna muff bee gathered whole ) yethe mull be eaten in Ceverall, that is, fpecially applied toevery beleever for his food and ftrength ; by which application hee becomes food in our hunger, and phyficke in our weakne{fe as the Manna was to them, andother had they none. 3. They muff ufe it all, and referve none till the morning; for if they did, it putri-' fled, and worrnes grew in ir,verff. 19. ao : To fignifi6 that not the profetlion of Chrift profits any thing with- out faithfull applying of him. Yea and as Manna refer- ved, petrified : fo Chrift becomes a fcandall anda roke of Offence to the unbeleevingofthe World, that corttèì ` thiemfflves to heare ofChit andhaste the wordtgr ongc thè'tii but apply it not to their'lìéaíts and liver: The fvoeeteft Manna becomes a rottennefafe and' a layout of death to carnall profef ours. raef . But why did theLord caufe'thcNlar a"daily tó ptttrifie,, ifkept ía` ,tct Anfxr. T. He will have them daily depend uponhis hands andprovihon ; that was no time nor place to fhift covetoufy, Why Manna putrifed,if -re. terved.