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2. 7Z Matt.4 4. Manna, a typeofChri i. oovetoufly for themfelves, neither was thereany need, Peeing every day fupplied them with a new harvefa. z. To Lignifie to them,that man livednot by breadonly, bat by every wordofGod. How could they thinke that (Lich corruptible food could preCerve them, that it felfe could nor be preferved above a few houres but by Gods inritution ? 3. That they might acknowledge God a free and extraordinary worker in all hisadminiftrati- -on with them. For even this manna ( which kept an houre beyond a day, fuddenlyrotted) if Godcommand tokeep it two dayes every wecke forhis worfhip fake, it (hall bee miraculoufly preferved fweet and favoury. Yea if for a monument of his mercy he {hall command to lay a (ample of it in the Arke; it flash' laa and bee kept in the Holy of holies manyages, yea many hun- dreds of yeares fweet and favoury as at fir(}. And all this not without fignification : that although jefus Chrift was in his flefh and humane nature fubjecct to forrow, death, and paiion, yet even in that humanity ( now glorified ) he is Pet in the Holyof holies ( as the Manna in the golden pot')before the Lord for ever,Exod. r 6.3 3 and abides for ever in the heavens for all eternity, not fubjeL`I to corruption any more, as that golden pot of Manna was. 2: Christ infi- nitely better thenManna. Sett, III. I I. Now let us feehowChrift is infinitelypreferred before this typeor figure, in fixe feverall advancements. i . ThatManna had no life in itfelfe, but thishath, /oh. 5.26..elr the Father bath life in himfelfe, fo bath hegive» to the Sonne to have life in himfelfe. lob.6.3 S. I am that breadof life, 2 That Manna not having life in it felfe, cannot _give toothers what it felfe bath not ; it could onely preferve life given of God : But this can conuey and give life to others, Iob.6.33. Thebreadof God vs he which commethdownefromheaven,andgivcth lifemoo the world.