Manna, a type ofChrgi. -273 world. 3. That Manna preferved onely naturalt and temporali life, as other bread : but this preferves fpiri- tuall and eternal' life in the foule and inward man. 4. That manna could not preferve this temporal' life for ever, Ioh.6,49. Your fathers did eate Manna iwr the wilderneffe, and are dead ; nay it couldnot keepe them from hunger above one day toan end : But this bread once tailed makes a man live for ever, hee Jhall not die, ver,/ 5o. yea he fhall never hrsnger more,verf.35. S. Ifa man were dead, that manna could notraife him againe to life : but this raifeth dead to life, as Lazartpr ; which all the food, phyficke and meanes onearth cannot doe, /oh. 11.25. He that beleeveth inme, thoasgh bee zrere dead, yet (hall hee lisle. 6. That manna did corrupt, it melted daily when the Sanne arofe; it lalled not beyond a day, it continuednot beyond the wilderneffe ; and that fmall portionwhich the Lord referved in the Holy of holies, perifhed and was loll after the captivity : But this man- na is not fubjea to corruption, but abideth Tweet and precious toevery hungry heart ; nor fubjal toviolence, but abides in the Holy of holies without all change or feareof danger ; nor onely lafls in this journey through our wildernelfe,but is the fweetefl and moll delicious in our Canaan ; when hoe fhall bee food,phyfick, raiment, delight,and all inall,to all theSaints and formes ofGod. See. Lr. Now to application : I. To note in God foure things : r. Patience and love. 2. Watchfulnetfe and care. 3. Bountifùlneffe and benificence, 4. Wifedome and judgement. And all there to his Church, both jewifh and Chriflian, and to all the Ifrael OfGod, I egali and Evangelical'. Every oneofthefe affordethús fpeciall matter of inftruetion. I. His grace andipatience appeares in the time of his T giving 1 Vfe inrefpeft of God. I.