Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Manna, a type óf Chráf. us a fervent love of God, who loved us with a pitifull love when wee were in fo pitifull a cafe ; as alto with fo feafonable love, when our extreme needurged us , a with fuck effec`tuall love, as (pared us the greateft gift of love, and the richefl mercy that heaven and earth can containe to relieveour want. t. To labour to love our enemies, as Goddid us being his enemies. For naturali men and hypocrites can love thofe that love them, ti latt.5. 45 .but if we love them that hate ta"s,we fhall be thefennel of our heavenly Father. 3. To move us to ceafe from our (manes; for whowould goe on to provoke fo good a God, that Rill proVents us with love and mercy ? And if hee pleafe to referve love for us while wee are yet in our finnes, and in love with them ; how fweet will his love be, when we ceafe to love them ? How f}rungwill it bee, and how conflant ? For, doth bee not call usoff I when wee areenemies, and deferve hatred, and will hee ever call off thofewhom he thus loveth ?" This love (hall befironger then death, for that (hall not quench it. I I. See the watchfulneffe and careof God over his Church. The manna fell with thedew ; and while the people of Ifrael fiept, the Lord watched to fpread a tablef©r them : becaufe, 1. he that Ieepeth Ifraelfium- breth not nor fleepeth. The eye of the Lord ( faith Bay) is without a fleepe, ever watchfull : a. becaufe bee is a tender father, and Ifrael is his Tonne and firft borne. A carefull father is waking for his childs good while it fleeps and takes no care : In like mauer bath this watch - full eye kept it felfe waking, from thebeginningofthe world till this day. Howdid it watchover a 4braham and all his beleevingpoflerity ; whileft he andwewere all in the night of finne and death ? And whileft wee were in a dead (leepe, how carefully did hee provide this heavenly manna,and fpread it about the tents ofthe Church in all ages ? i . In the promife of the bleffed feed. z. In the types and T adowes fignifyingand ng 6 And hcw it frhouid`vvoi in us. z. Gods watch - fvinc re and care over his Church, to be noted.