Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

276 Comfort there.. by. Inftan¢es. i Manna, a typeofChriji# hibiting Jefus Chrili. 3. In the holy Minif}ery of Prophets andApof}les,in which it was plentifully íhow- red. 4. In thefpirituall wor(hipofbeleevers both in the oldand newTeflament. S . In thebleffed Incarna- tion andappearance of the truth it felfe, who rofe as a glorious funne ofrighteoufbeffe but as it were at mid- night when the world lay in fuch palpable darkeneffe as was thicker then thedarkeneflèe of"Egypt:as manna fell in the night, and was readier for them every morning then they were for it. Apply this obfervation for thy particular comfort. If thou beef} an Ifraelite,no night (hall befall thee nor fleep in any night, but this careful' eye ofGod (hall watch to supply thee.As in three ins}an:es. T. The godly palling through this wilderneffeofthis world, although theybe inCovenant with God (as IfraeI was) yet often are cal} into the night offinne, and in this night they often nod and flip into a founder fleepe of Panne sometimes then they thinke off: but then this eye watcheth them, that they fleepe not in death and fo fall into extreame ruine. For theybeing written on the palme of the Lords hand, being as a fignet upon his finger, as.a jewel( on his heart, and(which is neerer) as the appleofhis eye, he watcheth a feafon to waken them, to raife them, and erec`} therm in faith to watchfuineífeand falvation. 2. Many times the godly fall into the night ofafflk ion, and are call in- to the darke ofmany deadly dangers which they should never (by themfelves) be wound out off. Nowwhile . they are thus furprifed with a dead and dangerous fleep, the Lord watcheth to prepare feme meaner ofevafon, which theynever dreame off. How did the Lord watch over Jonah while he flept under hatches not dreaming off©prefent adanger ? Nay when he feemes dead and buried in theWhales belly(as in a grave of filence)how miraculously did the Lord watch to bring him to dry land as foundand fareas if hehadbeetle kept in a thong caf}le?