Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Manna, a type ofarift. caille ? How did the Lord watchU ordecai while'he flept, Heft, 6. I. he (lept, but theKing (hall not íleepe till he have advanced Mordecai ? How didhe watch over Peter (AEI./ x.7.) whilit he flept fo fait in the night as fcarce an Angell could waken him, and brought him through the fleepie watch ? Our experience can tell ús every morning how the Lord keepes our houf:s, cur felves without feare again'{t robters,fares, dàngers,in the nighthe makes us`fleepe fafety,andwhilewe are help- le(fe, naked, fenceleffe, becomes a wall of proteftiotn round about us. 3. In the night of death he gives not over his watch `but watcheth the very bones of the Saints,that inthe morningofthe rcfurreaion they may mory fullyenjoy Chrift the trueManna, and attaine a full meafure andgomer,and a perfea fatiety and fülnefieof this fweet bread of life. Pfa. r 7. I s avidcalls it,a Pate% fyingwithGods Image;when hefha awake. Sect.. Y and Gods bounty Gods bountiFulneffe III. See in this gift , toward his freeneífe tohis Church in three things. y He offers Church, to be Ifrael Mannah without the asking,feeking, or buying;- it noted. colts them nothing but gathering : even fo he offers us , falvation by jefus Chriít while wee askenot after him. He is found ofthem that feeke himnot.The first Adam rues away from God sprefence: the fecondAdam runnes after him to feeke and recall himout ofhïs bu(hes. Now what defert ormerit could-therebee in the firft Adam tobe followed withgrace in his flyingFrom it ? And if there be none inhim ; how come wee his pofterity to more poffibility to merit any thing but death,more then he? No, hereis nometit,nobuying ofMannah but onely a faithfulland :thankfbll `acceptance of it. x.: He tames it downe in abundance, his hand is not !bore; he opened the windowes of heaven elt d mimed dorm Manna to', T3 eate,