Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

278 Manna, a type of ChrO. Godswifdome in miniíiring to his Church, to be noted. e,ite, Pfgd.7S. For I. It is for the honour ofGod to be bountifull and rich in mercies, and topowredown his bleffings uponhis people. 2, llrael needed daily a- l:undance and flore ofmannah, which need he is caretull to fupply.But oh what great goodneffe hath God flored for them that love him I In his Sonne jefus Chrifihe hath rayned downe bread of life, the greateCt arme and flreame that ever flowed from that Ocean. Amercy co- vering all the tents ofbeleevers. A mercy that lets the true Mannah fall enough for a whole world ofbeleevers, not on one Nationoflfrael onely, but onall the Nations of theworld. For he did not fo then to anyother Nati- on,but now to all.Nay iu this mannah is a mercy not only covering the earth,but amountaine ofmercy reaching to heaven. 3. His hand is not weary, but every morning lets fall enough to feed and fill fo many hundred thou- fands of mouths anbellies : fo the grace ofGod. in Chrill is anunweariable grace. At he gave more mannah thenall the Ifraelites wereable togather : fo he is more infinitely able togive, then all beleevers are able to re- ceive. Hence wee may ( with David) flirre up our felves to bleffe the Lord that lodeth us with blef. rings daily. I V. The ,wifdomc of God in adminiflring his mercy tohis Church. 1. In that he gives them Man- na from heavennot from earth, theycannot now expec`b an annual! harve4 ofcorne from the earth, but muff ex- pel every day an heavenly fbowre to bee fed by ; be- caufe the Lord will not have them fixe their eyes and feces on earth,but know they were now to liveofGods allowance, and for their whole meanes depend on his hand. Let it teach us Chrillians to lift upour eyes and . fences from earth and earthly defires , and affea that manna which is from heaven; every daydefire to be fed with fame heavenly fhower for the nouriflament ofthe foule,audpreferving the life ofgrace in it. Let it teach us to