Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

0 Manna, a typeofChrili. 279 to acknowledge the hand ofour heavenly father in the gatheringof the mannah, and good things for our temporali life. Hee is thefather oflightsfromwhomde. fcendeth everygood andperfea gift. The lfraelite mutt Tooke to heaven for every morfell of bread that hee puts in his mouth : and than the Chriian (as the twine) eateup the matt, and never lookeup to the tree whence it falls. I I. In that bee gives them manna every day. Hee might have given them an harveft of it once a yeere ; or hee might have rained it once a month ; but bee gives it daily. To Phew i. that hee had undertaken for their daily maintenance, whole con- tinuall fupplyes challenged the continuait depen- dance upon his providence. 2. that they mutt bee con- tent with daily bread. 3. that it (hould beea part of their Balling and exercife in the wilderneffe, whereo- ther temporali bufnetfe had they none.Let us hence learn. r. to acknowledge Godswifdome; if he give us earth- ly manna andmeanesbut fromhand to mouth, he knows to fupply it with true manna. He allowes us topraybut for dailybread ; and ifwe havefood and rayment we mrefi be content,t ?ím,6.8. 2. to confineour cares within the day, not fo folicitous to layup for many yeeres, as the richglutton. Care notfor tomorrow,that is,inordinatly, dittruttfully. 3. to take notice of our daily need of the true mannah, whereof feeing God hathgiven us daily meanes, wee mutt not croffe Gods wifdome to thinke the reading of Gods word once in a yeare, or month, or weeke enough;but be dailygathering, and anfwering the daily meanes afforded byGodsgracious wifdpme,as did theJews. III. His wifdome is feene in that hegiveth them no mannaon theSabbath ; but for theSabbath a double portion on theday before. For 1. the Sabbath day is not to feeke temporali food and manna , bat fpirituallll T4 Manna,why ven daily. Why not en theSabbath day.