2,80 Meafiue thy dcfiresin natu- ral' things. Flow to know Gods meafure, Manna, a type ofChrji. and eternall. z. He will 'not have his Sabbath and fer- vice interrupted,therefore hegives therm a double parti- on theday before. 3. Hee will not have them lofers by being intent in his fervice; but as a liberali paymafier, allowes them as largely as any other day. Let this teach us, I. to nourish the care ofGods worfhipabove the care ofour life, and more intend the bufineffe ofthe foule then ofthebody. So cur Saviour, firf/ feeJZe the kingdome of God, and then other things. 2. to become more confcionable in the keeping ofthe Sabbath, not feeking this day after earthly but heavenly things alone. For confider, r. The Lords liberality in giving thee(not a fixt day,bnt)fixe whole daies wherein togather earthly manna; and wilt thou encroach hisday too ? z. his liberality in giving thee manna for the feaventh day, blefling the labour of the fixe daies, and thereby binding thyhands from la}our on the íeventh. I V. Hiswifedotne is Cecile in giving to every man his Gomer; and every man bath his meafure. r, to meafure their delires by Gods meafure. 2. that no man fhould have juff caufe ofdifeontent; for bee had a, fulficient meafure for neceFfity,aná, God was not bound to provide for their wantonneffe. 3. that no man might envy another mans difproporrion ; feeingno man had want, no man might have fuperfiuity. Let us ¡carne hence 1. To gathernomore ofthis earthly Manna then God wouldhave us to gather. weft, How (hall I know Gods meafure for me ? Anfrv. t. That which his bleffing by good and war- rantable meanes affordeth, is hismeafure E. and to trans- greffeGods word in feekingor getting wealth,is to goe beyondGods meafure. 2. Neither to layup,nor to keep any ofthis manna without or againft God. Goods well gotten (hall faandand profper(as manna gathered in he fixe dayes.) But gather this manna on the feaventh day, orlay up without and againft Gods commandement, that