Manna, a type ofGhyá,/. that is to fay, that which thou getteft falfly, or well got- ten which thou fhouldit expend for Godsglory and the charitable reliefe ofthe poore members ofJefzs Ch doefa not,all that mall rot and ftinke, as Nolen manna did. Sett. 6. I I. In refpea ofour felves alto we learne fundry in- flruEtions from the confederation ofboth the manaahs, the typicall and the true manna. There inftruaions cqn- cerne r . our eflate. Z. our duty. I . Concerning our eftate: Tonote how fenfelcít'e and void of underftanding every man is by nature in the things ofGod and jefus Chrifi,Exod. t 6. t -.No e of the Jewes knew what the manna was : No more loth any man know by nature the things of the Spirit ofGod. 1. Cor. z . r 4. The natural' man perceiveth not the things of Cod. If heperceive them not inhisunderftanding,much leffe can he receive them in his affeClien. Tell the Jewof Chrift, or let theJew hearc Chrift himfelfe fpeaking of himfelfe (the manna and breadoflife) they conceivehe is bread for the belly,thcy muff eate him up ftraight, Ioh. 6.5z. Tell Nicodemís of the new birth,he can conceive no fecondnativity, but of going into his mothers wombe againe beingold, lob. 3 4. Tell the Samaritan of the wa- ter oflife, (he cannot conceive whence to have it, ifnot out of Iaco6s well, whichhee and his cattell dranke,loh. 4.1 z. Nay fuch is our palpable blindneffe in fpirituall things,as wecannot onelynot finde them,but even offe- reduntous(as the manna to them) we cannot apprehend them,nay wee cannot but rejec`I them, as that womanof Samaria; Jefrs Chrift offers himfelfe unto her,tlic acorns him,and will not make nor meddle withhim,Ioh.4.9. The rearm whereof is partly in the things themfelves, and partly in our felves, t. The things are things of Gods fpirit, and cannot be reached or judged by any rule in Vfe in rcfpeEt ofour ['elves. c lilanofhint- felfc fcnfelcfle ofthe thins of Icfiis Chxi{. Reafon i .