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282. Application. Eph.5.s. Manna, a type ofChrVl. in nature: For the things ofcreation, the heathenknew them in part fromGod as god, Rom, 1.19 : But for the things of Sancification (as that God the Father by his Sonne made theworld,or that God theSonne by his Spi- rit made a new world)here theyAre blindas moles. Nay even in this part ofknowledge, thenaturall man asketh what engines or tooles could God get to reare fach a frame, and will not beleeve it could be made with a word. It will aske, ofwhat prejacenr matter, andwill not beleeve that fo great a thing could bemade ofno_ thing : whereas we byfaithunderftand, that theworld was framedby thewordofGod, Heb.1i. 3. How blind then muff theyneeds be in fpirituall things, that areblind in things jaturall ? 2. The reafon in our felves is that we are wedded toour ownapprehenfions,and not eafi- ly ledout ofour conceits ; as veffels hardly let goe the favour ofthe £rfi liquor; wee will meafure all by the fiandard of naturali reafon, and by the fcantling ofour owne fenfes. Apply this obfervation i . To fee our impotency, nay the contrariety ofour nature toGods grace. Where is our free will to good? In what difpofitionhands dark - nefte to entertainelight,which fights againfi it ? Butlee weredark,peffe (faith the A.pof}le) not darks or darkned, but darkneff'e it felfe. Nay yee were deadin trefp,ifjesand Jinxes (Eph.2. S.) not halfe dead (as the Samaritan) but whole dead. Now let all thePapifis in the world teach us, how a dead mancan difpofeand prepare himfelfe to life. And let usknowhow a privationof it felfe can re- greffe to anhabit. 2. To fee what neede wee haveof the Minitiery to helpe us unto the true Manna.. totes mull tell the people (Exod. t 6.t 5.) Thin i the bread which the Lord bathgiven you to gate : So muti the mini- fiers ofthe Gofpell acquaint all the Ifrael cfGod with Chrifi (the truemanna)by the wordpreached ; and fay, Ihis is the breadoflife which camedownfromheaven, in whom