M. na, a type ofClaráft. z83 whom aloneis fall nourifhnnent to eternal' life Nothing is good to falvation,but by Gods revelation.If the word preached doe not teach thee Chrift (the true inanna)thou never knowft himof thy felfe.Let us pitty and pray for the lamentable blindneffe, not ofPopi(h reculants only, but ofwilful' and careleffeabfenters of themfelves from the houle ofGod;whofe Judgement is jut ifthey never come to a Paving knowledge of jefus Chrift. 3.Hath Chrift beene made knowne to thee,that thouhaft tatted the fweetneffe of him in the Gofpell ? As Chrift tàid to Peter, Co I fay to thee, Happy, art thou, for fleJhand blood bath not revealed him to thee, brit the Father which is in heaven. sea 7. 2. Concerningour duty we learn fhdry inflru6 ions, whichmay be reduced to fixe heads.. I. To get in us an hunger and thirft after jefus Chrift;in whomalone is full nouri(hment, and without whom weare farre more miferable then Ifrael had been without manna. For i. Onely this hunger makes us value him, and feeour needofhim. It is hunger that is thebell fawce that makes manna fweet ; and without hunger a full belly defpifeth anhsny combe. It is hunger that makes the prodigal' forme looke towards home. 2. It is the noteofa blefledman,to hangerand thirfl after righteonfneJfe, cAtat.5.6, And thisman will not reft till hebe fatisfied. Davidwas anhappie man in fuchhungry delires, when bee defired after God, as the chafedHart after the waters. This thirft would Bate out and thruft out the thirft after the world ; that dropfy thirft after gold and filver,which is never fätisfied: As alto the thirft after the puddlewater ofearthlypleafures:And this thirft woulddevoure and conlume the thirft after revenge, as Mofes his rod confumed the rods of theforcerers. IL Togot out ofour tents,and take paines to gather our Our duties in refpett of this Manna: I. Hunger and thirdforChrif. Motives. 2: Takepaires for him. Motives.