Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Manna,a type o our mannadaily,as 1 frael did theirs. For I. Chrifl en- ioynes labour for this unperifling food, Ìoh. 4. i 4. and z. Pet. 1. to. give all diligence to maleyour eleRion fore. 2. It is worth much paires and col} to procure Chrili to our felves and others. In bodily famine how farre will men runne and ride for corne ? Jacob fends all his 'formes out ofCanaan into 'Egypt for food, Gen.4z. z, 3. Icileneffe is every where blameworthy, efpecially in matters ofgreateft importance. God might have rained manna into their laps or =itches as well as about their tents,ifhe had pleafed ; but would not for the tryall of their diligence : befdes he is well acquainted with our corruptions, who think that worth nothing which coils us nothing. Give nie leave to apply this to many idle Chriftians among us,whohave thisfweet manna round about their tents, but will not flir out ofdoores for it. lfit raine not downe within theirowne tents, though it doe roundabout, they will not flit cut of their tents : Like idle husbandman that would have a harveft, but will not flirreout into the fields to plow, nor fow, nor reape, unlef e it grew at their ovinedoores, or in their ovine flreets. Alas how lamentable and unanfwerable toGod is our high unthankfulneffe; whowith lefle la- bour then theJewes may gather better food, and have as expreffe a commandement as they; gather everymats of this manna according to his eating. But in fteád of gatheringwe ingratefiilly rejea it, yea thruft it ofwith both hands, as thejewes did, AEL.I 3,46. Take heed it time, lei} thedoome corne out againff us, as did againft them :Becaarfcyouhavemadeyourfelves unworthy ofeter- nall life, we turnefromyou to the Gentiles. 1 1 f. As IGaeI, fomuf'c wee daily anddiligentlyob- ferve the times andplaces ofgatheringmanna. i . The place is the wilderneffe, not Canaan ; and all the while ¡' that they are in the wilderneffe theymull gather manna: So we, fo long as we are in this world, mull gather this i true