Manna,a typeal Ghr1ft. truemanna. Many feeme to gather when they be young, but are weary andgive up when they are elder: Buteven theoldeft man of the lfraelites muft gather ifhe would Bate ; heemuft'rarvehere that ceafeth to gather. Many havegathered enough,know as much as the betfPreacher of them all,have thong faith, are found Chriftians ; and, fo was the ChurchofLaodicea: But be it known to thee, thou can't fcarce gather enoughofthis manna for theday; and he that fees his daily weakneffe will conclude with une,that his faith,hope, love, knowledge, andall his gra.1 ces need daily repairing ; and that he bathgot but a little ofChrift, that feares to get toomuch. Againe, the place l of feeking true manna is about the tents of the Ifrae- lites; it is confined to the Camps of the true Church ; where two or three are gathered, there is Chrift tobe found:his parents found him in the Temple. Therefore i . it is nomarvaile if Chrift benot to be met withamong Antichriftian Synagogues. Ifmen had learning to admi. ration, and above the Angels, they fhould not finde the truth ofChrift but among the tents and congregations ofChrift. No marvaile if an /Egyptian miffe of manna behe never fo learned. i. Let us learne towait in the Temple (as the ancient beleevers Anna and Elizabeth) ifwe would meet with the confolation oflfrael. a.The time and feafon ofgatheringmanna was while it lay on the groand. We ulnaapprehend the feafonofgrace,that is,while the Church hathpeace make deofthepeace of the Gofpell;as the Churches did,AH.9.31. Little know wee how foone the-funne bf, perfecucionmay arife, sand !. melt away our manna. But Chrift may make as pittifiall a complaint over us, (and withweeping eyes) as thit, over jerufalern,o Iers alem 1 OhEngland ! ifin this thy day thou kneweft the time of thy vifitation I Ohhow rich in grace hadit thou beene by knowing this feafon ! but it hath beene (in great part)hid fromour eyes. I V. As Ifrael muff bring home the manna,and bag ed, 185 3. Obleve times and places to meet with C hriít. 4.. Apply and feed onClint'.