Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Manna, 4 type ofChrift.' the Tabernacle men brought toomuch, but after tooke it away as fait againe. tobn was a burning and Jhinin, Ioh.5.3ç. light, and they re1®yced inhis light, but it was but for a feafon:and few fhining lights but find itfo.TheGalatians at firft received Paulas an Angell, but foone revolted fromhim. What flocking and thronging was there after Chrifts dotrine and miracles,that the kingdomeofGod fuffered violence,but foone theyhad enough ofhim, and in fhort time did tumult as fait againft him ? The like was obferved in ourowne land;at the firfft falling ofthis manna,andbeginnings of the Gofpell:menwerecarnet , glad,joyfull,forward: then was a fweet time ofthe hap- py welcomeofthis Manna ;happy was hee could get his Gomer first and fuliefl: But now what voices heare wee other then ofthe ungracious 1 fraclites ? Oh our foules are dryedup with this manna,here is nothing,but manna: fo much preaching, fo many Sermons, and it wasbetter with the world iniEgypt,befcre all this preaching! Nitul whereas our fathers wouldhive ridden far to a Sermon, wee, their lazic off-fpring, will fcarce íleppe over our threfholds. Let us confider here for our incitement, T. how ì Motives. hard it is tobegin weli,but harder tohold out ; and not Ì holding out we lofe all oar labour. 2. that manna is f as fweet as ever, though wee fee not our owneneede , which ifwe didfee, wee would be no more weary of Godsword were it daily preached, thenwee are ofour breadwe dailyBate. V 1. Wemutt be fo far from wearineffe, as that we 6. mutt highly efteeme this trueManna,as the fweeteftgift Prize and mog- that ever Godgave from heaven, and never forget fo nify this Mart. miraculous a mercy. That Ifrael might not forget Gods na. extraordinary mercy in this type, they mutt for ever keepsa pot ofManna;which waspreferved fo long asthe Temple flood for many hundred yeeres. And that wee might not forgetthis mercy_iu the true manna, heellath xnd