\W r out of the Rock, a type. 291 Gofpel , becaufe their darkneffe can abide no light to come neere it. To all thefe and thoufands moe, Chriil is a rockof fcandall by their owne default, 5, ARockfor waight, and danger and inavoidable judgement upon his adverfaries ; which on IVhomfoever it falls, it crufeth himallto pieces, A'íitt.2 t .44. if any rife againft it, they doe but rire and teare themfelves but iE this Rock rife againfi any man, and fall uponhim, it breaks him toponder. WVitneffe the greaten enemies of Jefus Chrift which the world ever had, Herod, lot- das, ¡adios, Iews, Pilate; as unable to rife fromunder his revenge, as a man pafht topieces unable to rife from under a Rock. I I. It was a type of Chrift, as it fent out water in abundance to the people of Ifrael ready to perifh for thirft. Forfo Jefus Chrift is theonely Rock that fends for the falva- from hiss ele& oherw waters of to life non of his perifh eternally. For explanation whereof, marke r. As from that Rock iflüed waters to wafh and cleanfe themfelves and their garments a fo from this Rock fircame waters of ablution or wafhing ; which ferve to wafh awayboth theguilt of finne, and fraineof finne. For the former ; the precious blood of Chrift ftreaming out of' his fade is the onely mundifyingwater in the world, to wad the foule from the guilt of finne, and to fcowre away all theexecrationof finne from the fight of' God, 1. Iob. 1.7. the bloodof Jefus 0'J-rift clew- feth us from all finne. For the latter ; from the fame fade of Chrift our Rock iffuethwater as well as blood, even the waters of regeneration, called ( Tit. 3.5.) the waiinQof the new birth, by the Spirit of grace and holi- neffe, which daily cleanfe the frame and filthineffe of fin. Of thefe waters reade,Ieh.7. 3 8. He that beleeveth inme, out of his dell] ,/hall flow rimers ofwater oflife : This hee IPake. of the Spirit which he would give. V a. As . Inrefpeft of thewaters Arn- im, forth. Three things.