eater out ofthe Rock,atype. 2. As from that rocke iffued waters to cook and comfort Ifrael in their wearineffe and wandrings : fo from jefus Chrift do iffue the watersofrefrigeration and comfort, to coole and refrefh the dry and thinly foule; to allay the heat ofa ragingand accufingconfcience; and to revive with new ftrength the fainting foule in temp- tation or perfecution. And therefore the tryed traveller and thinly paffenger is called to there waters,Mat. r T.28, If a . 5 5 r. For nothing but found grace from Jefus Chrifl canquench the tormenting thirft ofan accufingor dif}reffed confcience. 3. As from that rocke ftreamed abundance ofwaters to make fruitfull that barren wilderneffe wherefoever !, they rune : fo onely from the true rock iffue plentiful! waters ofgrace to make our dry and barren hearts fruit- full inall workes ofrighteoufüeffe : Ifa. 44. 3, 4, /wit/ Poore water upon the thirfly, andfloods upon the dryground; Iwillpouremy rpirit upon thy feed,arndmy bleJngupon thy buds; and they ;hallgrowas among the graire, and as wil- lows by the rivers ofwaters. All this blellîng of fruitful- nefheis from theRocke. See Eph 1.4. I I I. In tlse manner of attaining this water, are In themanner many Tweet refemblances. ofobtaining it. I. Thepeople might askeMo eJ water, but Adofe.t f.refcmblanccs, cannot give it. It is Godmutt give it, and miraculoufly fetch it out ofa rocke, which how it fhould be, Mofes cannot conceive : So men may feeke jùflification, and to drink waters offalvatiô in themlelves, either by nature, as Pelagins, or by merit as Popifh jufticiaries do, either in the LawofMofes as thejews,or in Evangelical Coun. fells,as the fond votariesofthe Churchof Rome: But no Jew can tell how to procureany water to himfelf,neither can Adofes give it. By;the Law olMofes noman can bee ', juftified,nor by any fond devifes beyond the Law. But God ofhis grace bath deviled a way, and poynted to us a rocke of-living waters,to fupply unto us that which was impoilble