Watér..out of the Roeki Appe, irnpo,r6le to ()Proles Lan becassfe of-oar ` :infr.mirie, Rom. 8 3. ..... a. The rocke gives water but not till it bee finitten, .Exod. I76. fo Chrift the true rock mull befrritten,with paff on, he mu[t be fmitten with the wrath ofbis Father, . and made a curie for us, before there can iffueout of his fide that bloody ftreatne by whichthe thirff s9f.beleevers can bequenched. And as therocke was fmitten twice, and waters gufhed out both times::,f9 Clint} was twice fmitten, frit aâ aily in hitnfelfe , fec.Qndl-y virtuàliy°in the faith ofbeleevers of that to bee all faithful' before him, and f ffer beleeving in the rock death for fume, the faithfull after hirn,: beleevìngin the rock that was fmitten,dead, and raided alreßdy. 3. it was the Rod in Mofes hand-,that fakes and breakes the rocke : Even fo it was the, hawgiven by Mofes hand, and our tran.fgr-eífìon againft it thatbreaks the-true Rock./fa. S 3. S . Gal 3.13. he was madea curiefor us, 'and ourtranfgreffion of the Lawwas laid upon him that we might be freed from it. And as this was the fame Rod that fmote the River to bring deftruaion on the /Egyptians and enemies oftheChurch :fo this fame Law and Rod of Mofes brings the curie and damnation upon all the enemies of God fromwhom .it is >?ot rexnooved by jefus Chrift. 4. The rocke was fmitten, butit was not fo much tr-e ftriking on the rock, but the Lords {landing upon it that gets water for ifrael,Exod.17.6. There .wasno verrue in the ftroake, but alldcpeizded on`Gods.commande1nent, and precept; and prefcnce:even fo, it is not the death of Chtift, nor the abundance of price and merit of his blood, nor the flriking on this rockbeforemens eyes in the minifteryofthe word and Sacraments,that can bring one drop oftrue water of comfort, but by theprefence and word of Gods bleffing. The efficacy ofgrace de- pends not on any meanes or worke wrought, but it i: V3 Gods 293 ____-----