29+ S Hcw the Rock follow:d the Iewes. I Coï.I0.7. Petra ronfe.3uéte eor, r,fequentc, veIfatisfacientc eoriim valrsntati. Aquin. I7eritatom f qué temfrgnicunte. Aquin. VVater out of the Rock,a ope. Gods word andprefence that cloth all in them. ®6. Then wemaygiveup the ufe ofall meanes, and pray at home for grace. Sol. Not fo, for meanes mutt be ufed, Mofes mull fpeake to the rocke. God appoints no meanes invaine, but we mutt not infitt and dwell in them, but looke be- yond them to Gods bleffing and fuccefïe. Mofe.r muff ale the Rod, though a word without the rod might. have done it : fo we mull ufe the meanes as being tyed to them(thoughGodbe not) but not flick in them, tieing, the abufe ofthemmaymake them hurtful! not helpefull. The people ofMofes (the Jewes) ftrooke this rocke, pearced him with thornes and fpeares; taw with their eyes the precious fountaine opened in his fide. (a pri- viledge in which they were beyond all people of the earth) but partly ignorant what they did,partly malici- ous treading this precious blood under foot, not at- tendingnot beleeving theword : this reali flriking of this rocke was unprofitable, yea and damnable unto them. 5. The waters ofthe rock fmittenfolloved the Ifrae- I lites,t.Noting the abundanceofwater not only for their prefent fupply,but alto for future:Io in Chrifi &his blood . is abundant and plentiful redemption and confolation. 2.The ocfollowing then:, that io, following orfatiffying their defref.It followed them every where, where they defïredï; followed. their neceffities , followed their delires : So Chrift jefus is to the faithful! heart, all it can delire. He followes them.with all fviceet and needful! defires.He is above all that heart can thinke;alwaies pre- fent with us through our wildernefl'e, efpecially in molt needful! times. 3. It followed them , in fignifying the truthwhichwas tofolloo.Ic fignifyed plainely that Chrift was to .follow it as the truth the type;and fo it followed them with infrruEtion and admonition : fo Chrift the trueRock followes the Church. with inflru:tion. His whole.