Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

Water out ofshe Rock, 4 type. 295 whole life,Miniftery ,miracles,aetions,paffi0n, and fpee- ches was a reali inftrution. And now by his Miniftery hefollowes us with daily direEtions. 4. It followed them throughthewildernef'fe evenunto Canaan. All the dryneffe of that dry and barren wilderneffe could not . dry itup s So the waten3 of grace ftreaming from the Rocke j efus Chrift, follow thebeleeving lfrael ofGod through the wildernetreof the world to the heavenly Canaan. All the perfecutions and parching Beats and droughts in the world can never dry it up. Let all the wildernefe betides want water, in Xfraels campe is e- nough. Where God begins with a man in found and Pavinggrace here, it will carry him into the land ofpro- mite. True gracemutt end in glory. Hence ari(eobfervations twofold. 1. In refpeet of God,to confirme our faith in the affurance ofhis, i .pre- fence. z. power.3.mercy to theChurch. I. His pretence. He that before was prefent in the Pillar of the cloud and firefor their fafety , and in the manna for their fsiftenance; is now prefent in theRocke for their fatiety in their extreame thirft. The pretence ofChriit is all in all to the Church; his pretence is a pre- lent fupply ofall wants. His eye is alwaies prefent,for although it goe over all theworld, yet it is alwaies fixed on the Church. His care isprefent, they cannot cpal to Mofet for bread or water, but he heares and fu 1 es. His hand isever prefent with and for his Church, and is not thorcned. Himfelfe is ever prefent with his, in life indeath,and after; for good, for grace and glory. by Onelykeepe thou the conditions. z. Be with him, Our tr durie Z Chr. z 5.2,that Is,walkewith hinn,as Henoch. a. Keepe eieo in thywaies , for fo long he bath promifed hiscomfor- table pretence. 3; Rejoycc in his pretence, in the pre- fenceofhis fpiric, in the fignes and meanes if his pre- tence. f And then feare notwant,fickneffe,uor the 'WO ofthe valleyoftheJhad ofdeathrfor God ii with 4 I. Wes in refpcft ofGod. , Chri{t ever prefent with his Church.