i$ ! VVateriiat 141.0toti,dit e Mee, P f t3.4. He erlfoprepdre xi 'biblefor thee in the fight ofthe adverfary,ver S . I I. 'Here is a, teflimernÿ e,ffuch mighty and mira- culous poWerin God for his;peá ïe, that even Moles,Í himfelfe ftaggered, and could fcarce conceive a worke offuch power fromGod. Here is a workeofomnipo- tency in cleaving thehard rocke, Pfàl,78. i -. To 'Ihew . That he is a freeworker not tied to fèrond caufes;but at his-pleafure canhinder, alter, ór change the power of nattité, ?fa. i i S. 3. 2. That he can worke by contra- ries; and civt of molt unlikely= (yea contrary) manes, eff`ec`I his ownepleafure. fmk i .37Is any thins ímapofble to God ? That we fhould èaf} our eyes on this pow- er. P.6t . 7 T , Oncehave Ibeard ft,yed twice/hatpower be- longeth to God; Andhence Marne i. Motto limit the holy onethat madeheaven and earth ofnothing. 2 . Faithfully tode- pend on this 'power when we ffenorneanes offafety or fupply,but all the enemies contrary. For the rock (hall yeeld water rather then thou (halt Want what hee fceth good for thee. g. In thy fainting and fvearineffe,when thy veakneffe tells thee thou art not able to got' oil in this wilde'rneífe for want-ofvvater of comfort and con' folation,nay art hopeleffé in thy feffe or any meanes thou canft make; now hope abovehope, Godspower is fiif frcient in thy tveakéneflè; Sampfan (hall getboth vinery and water by a jaw-bone, the moli unlikely thing in the world for either: And though this power nowworketh not miracles ordinarily ; yet before thou that'Waitëft on hi:n (halt inifcarric, hee will miraculouflyfuniaine thee. I I I. Heere is teflimonyofGods admirable mer- cry to his people.:lfrael deferved to be fmitten'for their murmuring and rebellibn ; but the rock is fnirten for them. The rock is notfmitteñ for it felfe, but for Ifrael. fa Plead of a revenging power which they might have expected., An almighty power in Chri ft r-or his Church. Our duck. Gods mercy to his people, admirable.