poolowww - Vaaer out of tbe.. oCk,d type. 29 expected, they find a gracious power which they could 1 not expect Even ío all mar;ktnde was to be fmitten by ! the law; but the Rockmolt be finitcen for us Our Rock fuffered nothing for his owne :ir nes (whowas purer in his nature and aLions then all the Angels o of add but all the ftroke he futTered was for the God, `that they might draw out of this well-head waters of I joy and abundant confolation. The mighty power of , yGod (which we had deferved tobe turned all againft Í us) is all turned to the falva'ion ofthe Church, where mercy rejoyceth againít judgement. Thus ofGod. ' From this Rockand water weare all() to obferve fí me p(cs in refyeE2 things concerning our felve r., ofour felves. I. ` Wee have heere the accomplifhment ofthat s.c the loon Prophec'y,Zach 13.1 A , fountaine it opened to the hoax, je of I raine ofglace David, and to the iKhabitaaits of1ernfdlemforfnne andfor i opened. I oncleanneffe.Herewehave Christ him:felfe the true water outoftheRock ; who onely re°ftetheth dry andweary foules and coinforteth the fainting heart with the fweet prornifes flowing from the Go;peli. Andthat wee may fee the excellency andbenefit, of thiskouutaine, we will a little compare this Rock with the other; and fet.the truth above the type , todraw our -eyes and delires at- _ter it. s. ii that rocke, the rocke was one thing, the water another : here-Chriít isbodithe rockeand water, both the'giver,andwater given. 2,.That rock refreledwick- , ed men andbeafts : this is beftow-ed upon and comfor- tethonely beleevers. 3. That rock refrefhed bodyes , onely :thisboth foules and bodies. That preferved natu- call life : but this torrent preferves the fupernaturall life ofgrace;fo as a leafe withers not, nor falls from a treeof righteoufneffe planted by this river ofwater , Pfa. i .3. 4. That rock might preferve and comfort the living, ) Farre better then that in the vvilacrnefte 7. waies. ----:--