Tailor - Houston-Packer Collection BT225 .T37 1635

298 Waterout ofthe Rock, a tyke. Doc aslrraeI at the Rock. Thira for Christ. Conditions. but could not helpe a deadman : but this quickneth the dead foule with new and heavenly life. 5. The wa- ters ofthat rockquenched natural the(:but this quench- eth all unnatural!. One drop of it tailed by Z'whew quenched all his unnaturall thirft after theworld : and in Paulall the thirft ofrevenge and furie againff the Saints. 6. The rock gave water twice : this rock gives wa- ters ofcomfort alwaies. The water ofthat rock follow- ed them a great while,but at length were dryedup : but the waters ofthis rockarenever dried up,The bloodof C H R I ST is alwaies rwnning,anda fre(h fountainene- ver dry 7 The Iiaelites dranke of that water, and were contented for a little while ; but by and by did this againe : But he that drmkes ofthis water (hall never thirfi 4ptine,loh.4. +that is,miferably as they :however he thall delire it fill, yet his verydelire is his happinefie and faciety. I I. How we are to carryour(elves to this rockand fountaine,namely,as Israel to that rock. r. The Ifraelites this and call for water, they fee and feele their need and want :fowemufffeele our want ofChrift, andget a fervent delire after Chris and his graces, becaufe onely the thirfiy arecalled, Ifa. S 5.1. and onely they in want fee theworth of the thing wanting. Nowwe may not thinke that everywith after Chrift is this thirft ; for the worfi can with a part inChrift : but this thirft anddelire mutt have three conditions : t. It mull be fervent and eager as Sampfons, Giveme water,dr Idie.Iud. t 5 .18. As the chafedHart pantethaf- ter the riverso fwater,fodoth myfoul, after thee, Pf4a.r . 2. Itmuff be faithful!. Wemutt not thirft with repining and dithdence,as the Ifraelites, but with faith and confi- dence:This drawes vertue fromChri(l, According to thy faith,be it to thee. 3. It muff be confiant. The Ifrae- lites thirft fill till theyobtaine theirdelire : fo we muff not content our (elveswith defire,ar tocomewhere this water